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Panasonic TDA TDE Digital Phones

Compatible with the Panasonic KX-TDA, KX-TDE and KX-NCP Phone Systems.

Digital phones available for the Panasonic KX-TDA and KX-TDE phone system.  We have the standard 8-button phone with a display and three different styles of the 24-button phone.

The most affordable 24-button phone is the KX-DT333 that supports 24 programmable buttons for line appearance, DSS buttons and more provides a display with caller ID via a non backlit display.

Next is the KX-DT343 phone that supports the DSS console, Blue Tooth headset, and has a backlit display for caller ID and other functions of the phone.

The high end 24-button phone is the KX-DT346 phone that supports all of the same features of the KX-DT343 but also has what is known as a 6 line display that displays more information that the standard display shows.

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